Trump Attacks Kamala Harris as Too Law and Order For America

Over 3 hours between 2 and 5 AM EST Trump posted 49 times to Truth Social to share his vitriol distrust of Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. The focus often turned to Kamala Harris’ role as a prosecutor and the havoc it would have on an increasingly lawless Republican Party unrestrained by common decency. In his threads Trump attacked Vice President Harris “shrewd,” “witty,” and “too law and order for America.” Even claiming in all caps that “if they can come after me for fraud, treason, libel, and rape they can come after you too.”

Other politicians in the Republican Party complained about the unfair optics of the whole situation. “The Republican motto has been it is better to be a criminal than to be old” said Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). “Having 34 felony convictions is what helped Trump look juvenile compared to Joe Biden. Now not only is Trump running to be the oldest president ever but he is running against a law enforcer. How unfair!”

Despite accusations of Vice President Harris being a sane and level-headed woman interested in the good of the nation, Democrats have gotten behind her rapidly. “The presidential debate will now be between a prosecutor and a sexual predator” said house minority speaker Jeffry Hakeem (D-NY). “We believe we know which side America will be on.

Still, some Republican politicians saw this as a strength. “Being a criminal defendant is a job that Trump has a lot of experience with” reminded House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). “He has experience showing contempt in courtrooms across the nation, from New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, and Washington D.C. He was twice impeached and do you think we ever abandon him? No, as a conservative Christian I will always forgive his trespasses against others.”


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