In Attempt to Reach Middle Ground Forward Party Suggests Jews be Allowed to Exist If They Do Not Own Media

New York, NY – Forward Party, the third party headed by Andrew Yang, has made a campaign out of finding middle ground solutions to tough issues. Recently, in an attempt to heal America’s divide, they announced a new party platform claiming that Jews should be allowed to live in peace as long as they do not own media. The Forward Party treated this as a breakthrough as they frequently have lacked success on finding middle ground issues.

“It is not always easy” says Andrew Yang. “Sure, there may be some no brainers where we can incorporate what both the right and left want. Neither side finds this solution to be ideal but the fact that neither side gets everything they want is a sign that it is good policy not too lopsided to the left or right.”

In line with expectations, the stated policy has infuriated both the left and the right. Democrats have even gone so far as to say Forward Party is specifically branded to create a false dichotomy that makes the Democrats appear more extreme, and unfairly asks them to give up important policy goals while asking for no accountability from the Republicans. Hakeem Jeffries had this to say.

“This was clear when Forward Party asked for compromises on issues like the Trump indictment. They suggested that Republicans should admit the January 6th terrorist attack was wrong but that Democrats should not seek prosecution or accountability. All the real concessions were on the left while exonerating the right from any sense of responsibility. Americans deserve law and order when it comes to protecting our democracy and we will not look the other way at the growing violence from the right.”

The issue of a compromise on the issue of January 6th should give Jeffries little worry as Republicans have had no interest in meeting Forward Party on this issue. Republican voters claim they would never dignify a liberal by admitting to any wrong doing whatsoever. Lauren Boebert R-CO further crystalized Republican positions this way.

“Look, the January 6th attack, that did not actually happen, was carried out by Antifa. Also Donald Trump is completely justified in his actions under the circumstances. Republicans will admit to nothing because we did not do anything, except when we did which we did not. Your corporate elite media needs to understand this.”

The lack of agreement and compromise for Forward Party has left the party undaunted as they continue to put forward new proposals. This work has been difficult as evident by the many unfilled planks in the party platform. For example, abortion and choice has remained an important issue, one which Forward Party claims to support a middle ground on without ever specifying the middle ground. Likewise, their previous proposals have all flopped such as AP history can be taught in school as long as Florida is left out, and universal background checks will be implemented but only on the gun and not the gun owners. Still, Andrew Yang expressed optimism for this recent proposal as one that may finally break through the partisan bickering and cause real compromise.

“The left wants Jews to live freely, while the right wants to eliminate Judaism” Said Andrew Yang. “So, a compromise should be made, the right won’t come after the Jews, but the Jews have to keep off media. This way we can satisfy both sides, Jewish people knowing they will be safe, and the right not having to see a Jew on tv. I do want to make it clear though, in order for this to work it does not mean Jews can just give up owning MSNBC or the Huffington Post. It means that any Jewish person owning a Twitter or Instagram account would have to give that up too.”


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