Trump Wants to Eliminate Democracy, Create War in our Borders, and Closet My Niece but Joe Biden is Old

Opinions From Your Drunk Uncle

I am an everyday American. Like everyone else, I am worried about the future of our country. So, when we are about to embark on this next election let me tell you just how disappointed I am in America’s choices.

On one side we have an authoritarian who has discussed eliminating large parts of the judiciary, kicking out many of our most beloved workers, centralizing power in himself, and forcing all gays and transexuals into the closet. On the other side of the aisle, we have an 81-year-old man who will be 82 at the start of his second term. How am I to decide between these two?

Donald Trump has called on the elimination of any DA who would question him. He wants the president to have unquestionable power and have the army swear a loyalty oath to him. Yeah, it sounds undemocratic, un-American even. Donald Trump might even be quite old himself but should that distract me from Joe Biden being old?

My Democrat friends have tried telling me it is not so bad; I just need to look a little deeper. Joe Biden has been a great and amazing president. They point to the strong and competent leadership, from a successful vaccine roll out, to crippling the Russian army in Ukraine, to overseeing an astounding economy that has expanded the living condition for many Americans. I have to admit, I switched jobs myself as there were so many being offered. Do you think I am going to let that distract me from the fact that the Democrat is old? No, absolutely not. How can someone who graduated college before the summer of love to be our leader?

Some people have tried to appeal to my more sensitive nature. You know I have a niece who recently came out of the closet and isn’t it great that she can finally express herself in this day and age? Yes, I agree, all the power to her. I am not some kind of bigot after all. Sure, she might have to be in the closet. She might have to hide herself in a straight marriage during a Republican presidency. That is just the price she may have to pay for keeping an old man out of the oval office. She is a tough woman though, if her great grandpa could do it, I am sure she can too. After all she is twice as tough as that total wuss ever was, not sure how he got a woman to marry him.

If the Democrats do not want that to happen again then why would they give us such a fringe Republican Party? After all, Biden has been in office a long time, first elected to the senate in 1972. You cannot tell me he is not responsible for what happens in politics. If he did not want fringe authoritarians with a possibility of winning perhaps, he should do something about them.

I am not sure how this next election will turn out. All I can say is if the Democrats give me an old guy, and the Republicans give me a wannabe dictator, then I do not know how an American like me will have to vote.


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