Media Concerned 3 Months is Not Enough Time to Destroy the Harris Campaign

New York, NY – It has been a wild ride in the two weeks since Joe Biden stepped aside and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. A lot has happened, leaving only 3 short months till the presidential election in November. In that time one question has remained on the top of all reporters’ minds. Is three months enough time to destroy the Harris presidential campaign?

“It is a tough question,” said NYTimes owner AG Sulzberger. “For Joe Biden, it required a relentless four-year effort of attacking everything he did ever, no matter how popular. Such things as his moving troops out of Afghanistan, demolishing the Russian army, investing into the economy, and revitalizing American manufacturing. Yet we managed a consistent non-stop daily reminder that he was old 15 times a day 365 days a year through every year of his presidency. Now, with Harris we only have three months to do it and we cannot even tell where to start.”

Complicating matters further is the extraordinarily powerful start exhibited by the candidate herself. Two hundred million raised in the first week alone, with millions of fans on social media sharing her dance moves. Unable to attack her age the media has begun putting out feelers, looking for what will stick. The Washington Post stepped up for Trump with hard-hitting articles like “the Democrats are united, why this is bad for Harris,” “Kamala Harris smiles too much, why this is off-putting,” and “why having daughters does not make Kamala a mother.” Yet these efforts have not daunted Harris’ energetic campaign for the president and subsequent rise in the polls.

“Worse yet, without a line of attack or gaffes people are actually starting to listen to Trump” said Lachlan Murdoch of News Corp. “It used to be if Trump talked about after-birth abortions we played stories of Biden being old. Trump claimed he had a lot in common with the late and great Hannibal Lecter, we played a mix of Biden stuttering. He talked about battery-powered Tesla sharks, we cut to Biden mixing up someone’s name. Yet now people notice when he claims he will eliminate voting, or replace generals with NASCAR drivers. Our viewers are even asking us about Project 2025. Can you imagine, the gall of viewers to want answers from the media! What is the world coming to?”

While journalists struggle to find an organized attack the situation has become more dire as Harris’ outgoing personality has shinned through. Internet Zoom meetings have risen up around the country for groups such as black women for Harris, LGBT for Harris, and White Dudes for Harris. The final one deals a threatening blow as 190,000 people joined the call and raised 4 million dollars while preaching for interracial unity. It begged the question, if Harris can reach out to white men, then who do Republicans have left?

The narrative did not always need to be this way according to most news agencies. It was taken away when Joe Biden announced he would step aside Sunday afternoon via social media at a time when cable news had no anchors on tv. This left the media in the dark, unable to disinform the public while the internet handled the transition.

“It was unfair,” said NBC CEO Mike Cavanagh. “No one could have predicted such a thing happening. Yes, we had been calling on Joe Biden to drop out for over 5 straight years starting when he announced his presidential campaign in 2019. We marred every announcement, interview, talk, and summit he ever gave with nonstop questions on if he would drop out and he had the gall not to give us a heads up when he did?”

The result was an inability of news media to muddy the waters with discussions of open conventions, Democrats in disarray, and alternative white men who aren’t so anti-elite.

“Sure, Joe Manchin said he would run for the nomination Sunday afternoon, but by then Democrats had already coalesced behind Biden’s successor and we were unable to get Joe Manchin on TV once during his two-hour run for president,” said ABC president Channing Dungey.

The result was a united Democratic front with VP Harris leading the party and the polls.


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