Opposing Election Rights Added to Republican Platform

Washington, DC – “For too long we have lived under the tyranny of democratically elected officials ruling over us,” said newly elected House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). “Now, with an ascendant Republican majority, we will soon be able to change that forever.”

The new plank on the platform of the Republican Party joins opposing many freedoms such as freedom of marriage, the right to an abortion, and freedom from assault rifles. The new platform marks a victory for the fringe right of the Republican Party, which had often felt ignored by the billionaire class most frequently determining the agenda.

“We have been happy to be against the right to organize in a union, breath clean air, or right to healthcare to benefit our corporate funders,” said Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL). “Yet opposing the right to self-representation and self-religious identification, have always been on the backburner. It has made those of us in the freedom caucus feel ignored by our more moderate allies. I am glad, we can finally bring in all of the rights we wish to oppose so that we can attack them equally.”

The plank may have been recently added to the Republican platform, but the issue has been pushed by conservative activists throughout the nation. In Wisconsin, the gerrymandered state legislature started removing elected officials, jealous of their mandates. Meanwhile, in Alabama, Republicans responded to giving black people representation by creating a congressional district in the shape of a middle finger and renaming Birmingham County to Fuck The Supreme Court County.

The national movement against the right to representation may have roadblocks but that did not bother Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR).  “Our opponents will call us dreamers, but that is the same thing they said when we wished to remove abortion rights. Yet for more than four decades, we have voted Republican in every office, for every election, until we got enough people on the Supreme Court to get that law overturned. I am sure we can do the same to eliminate election rights in less than half the time.”

Political Scientist Evan Schroeder discussed the issue, “it could be argued this is bad for America, especially for Gen-Z, just joining the workforce. Study after study, as well as centuries of history, have shown that when democracies crumble their economies crumble too. The residents see their standard of living drop, and public polls show Americans prefer a high standard of living to a low one by a five-to-one margin. That can be especially bad for people joining the workforce hoping for good paying jobs, and retirees expecting the benefits of social security, which they had paid into for decades. Yet what should we do? Hold Republicans accountable to their actions?”


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