Recent Mass Shooting Great Viral Advertisement for Smith & Wesson

Washington, DC – In a success for Smith & Wesson, another mass shooting turned into a perfect marketing opportunity. The shooting demonstrated the rapid and deadly capabilities of the M&P15, managing to bring the victim count into double digits before any law enforcement had been informed. The incident confirmed there is no better gun for mass shootings than a Smith & Wesson.

“Many customers are considering Remingtons, and while I have to agree they make a fine rifle, there is no better choice for a mass shooting than the Smith & Wesson MP&15,” said Smith & Wesson spokesman Ken Foreman. “We have the capacity and firepower ideal for your everyday mass shooting needs. With our weapons, you do not need to worry about the good guy with a gun, you will outpower them faster than they can yell NRA!”

Recent studies have backed up Smith & Wesson’s assessment. A study from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Team (ALERT) found 3% of mass shootings were stopped by a good guy with a gun. However, when looking at mass shootings stopped by someone wielding a Smith & Wesson assault rifle, those numbers dropped to less than 1%.

“Too many ill-informed gun users go with competing brands,” continued Ken Foreman. “If you cannot shoot fast enough it gives more time for a civilian to assess the situation and respond accordingly. However, we can guarantee with the right gun in the hands of a properly trained individual you will be unstoppable to even the most well-prepared good guy with a gun.”

Despite the success of the Smith & Wesson advertising campaign, critics have popped up in Congress. Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX), spoke on an amendment to ban the highly effective advertising campaign.

“Studies show assault rifle bans are highly effective. Lax gun laws have made the United States the only developed nation where mass shootings regularly happen. For the good of our nation, we need sensical gun control laws, starting with renewing the assault rifle ban. The fact that people under 18 are more likely to die by a firearm than any other cause, should be alarming to all.”

It may be a concerning fact for anyone considering themselves to be for life. However, Republicans unanimously dissented against this view.

“The ban on assault rifles is a demonstration that Democrats do not understand business,” said rep. Kary Granger (R-TX) of the House Appropriations Committee. “They are letting inconvenient deaths get in the way of the brilliant marketing strategy of Smith & Wesson. What monster would want to stop you from making a few bucks?”


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