Republican Outreach to Black Voters Claims Trump is a Criminal Too

Palm Beach, Fl – Republicans have made no secret of their desire to capitalize off the Trump mugshot. They sold the photo on t-shirts, put it on fundraising mailers, and most recently used it to promote Trump to the black community. Fox News host Jesse Watters had this to say about it.

“The Republican Party sees this as a great opportunity. Election after election we have been unable to connect with black voters. With Trump’s arrest we can say we are criminals too, just like you!”

The sentiment was echoed by conservative activist Charlie Kirk “Trump was always gangster, he had the mob connections, complete and total disregard for any semblance of law and order, and hatred of authority like an oppressed minority. He just never had the street cred to connect with the black community. That has all changed with this arrest.”

The move may seem unorthodox, although it does have a few converts within the black community, especially among rappers. Bandman Kevo had this to say in defense of the new tactic:

“Yo man, Donald Trump be just like me. He got problems with the law, millions of dollars, and is a total gangsta. You know he has a toilet made of solid gold just like me, that be some serious bling. He wants to take out all these prosecutors and help me avoid taxes and you don’t get more fuck the police than that. He is perfect for the black community; I got my 8th Trump tattoo in honor of his mugshot to spread the word.”

Donald Trump as a rap figure has been a controversial move in the rap community as Jay-Z, Snoop Dog, and Eminem have all remained vocal about opposing Donald Trump.

“I have always said no self-respecting fan of mine can support Trump and be about my music” said Eminem. “A lot of people may say ‘hey dog, he looks like a real thug, maybe it is how I should vote.’ That is not what my music is about, and Republicans wishing to get Trump off for the riots and stealing of top-secret documents should know that in the rap community we have a saying. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. If Trump wants to show how tough he is then we should see how he holds up in the slammer.”

Outside of the rap community many black leaders weighed in on the Republican tactic. Taking offense was the Reverand Al Sharpton who claimed rappers seduced by Donald Trump due to tax cuts did not have the best interest of the black community at heart.

The reverend went on to say “The notion of black people voting for Donald Trump just because he commits crimes is insulting to our community. We see the asymmetry in a justice system where Donald Trump can get away with so many crimes when in the 90s he called for the execution of five black men after they had been exonerated from a false rape accusation. The black community sees Republicans banning the teaching of African American history and going to great odds to prevent black people from voting. As long as Republicans continue to pursue these policies, they cannot take seriously the notion of black people voting Republican.”

When asked if these policies would undermine Republican outreach to the black community Charlie Kirk had this to say: “Believing black people are interested in history or voting shows how out of touch with the black community the Democrats are. They need to drop the race baiting language of teaching history, or asking us to be nice to one another, and get with the program.”


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