It Is Time To Pull a Bush and Invade a Country at Random

Opinions From Your Drunk Uncle

I am an everyday American worried about the future of our country and I have to say, I just do not think our president can hack it. Russia invading Ukraine, war in the Middle East, when has that ever happened? One thing I can say is that we never saw Trump tested under times of international conflict.

With President Biden, we have a man so wimpy he cannot even commit troops to die pointlessly invading an unrelated country. That would certainly show them! No one would dare mess with the US if we were to do that again. After all, just look at these conflicts. What did he do when Hamas attacked Israel? He got together a coalition from across the world to unite, get behind Israel, brought them to the door, and then did not get the hostages. Hell, he even demanded Gaza be allowed water and aide during fighting and negotiations. Can you imagine if Trump was president? There would not even be a Gaza and then there would be no hostages to talk about.

And you know what, we have been down this road before. Remember when we had George W. Bush? A real cowboy in charge? When there was an attack committed by Saudi-born terrorists who trained in Afghanistan did we sit back and take it? No, we pulled out a wild card and invaded Iraq. Sure, it turned our focus from terrorism and burned away so much goodwill that it took a decade longer than it should have to kill Osama Bin Laden but do you think the world was laughing at us? Not to our faces!

Trump gets it. He wrote a whole article saying we should respond to a strike from Gaza by attacking Hezbollah in Iran. Can you believe it? Not only did no one believe Trump could write an “op-ed” piece, but now Lebanon, Iran, Gaza, and Israel are all on notice because no one can comprehend the article well enough to know who he wants to attack. Once he chooses a country at random and demonstrates our tough love bombs, can you imagine? Everyone will respect us! Or fear us! I forget which is better.

And do not even get me started on Ukraine. Biden could not put a single troop into the country. Can you imagine what a few confused US boys with guns could do there? Instead, he just gave away a fraction of our defense budget and bragged about crippling the army of a hostile dictatorship at little cost, the wimp. We might need that dictatorship next time we wish to be feared!

We need to get this country on track. We need to start wars so other countries don’t. We need a cowboy in the White House again.


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